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Liposuction Cannulas & Accessories

Buy Liposuction Cannulas & Accessories

Medicta Instruments offer a wide range of liposuction cannulas and accessories. 

Medicta Instruments offer the broadest selection of Liposuction Cannulas & Accessories used in surgical procedures.

Our liposuction cannulas are designed for maximum precision and safety in fat removal procedures. We offer a wide range of liposuction cannulas, including tumescent liposuction cannulas, fat transfer cannulas, harvesting cannulas, Lipofilling cannulas, Fat Grafting cannulas, microcannulas to ensure that our customers have the tools they need to achieve optimal results. Our liposuction cannulas are made from high-quality materials and undergo rigorous quality control processes to ensure their reliability and safety.

We offer Liposuction Cannulas in following different types:

  • Fix handle Liposuction cannulas
  • Toomey Hub Liposuction Cannula
  • Luer lock cannulas
  • Super Luer Lock Cannulas

Facial Cannula Set - Super Luer Lock Cannula Set for face1 each Tumescent Infiltrator SuperLuerLok 2.1mm x 20cm1 each Sorensen Harvester SuperLuerLok 2.4mm x 20cm1 each TMicro Injector SuperLuerLok 0.7mm x 4cm1 each Micro Injector SuperLuerLok 0.9mm x 5cm1 each Micro Injector SuperLuerLok 1.2mm x 7c..
Facial Cannula Set - Luer lock Cannula set for face1 each Tumescent Infiltrator LuerLok 2.1mm x 20cm1 each Sorensen Harvester LuerLok 2.4mm x 20cm1 each TMicro Injector LuerLok 0.7mm x 4cm1 each Micro Injector LuerLok 0.9mm x 5cm1 each Micro Injector LuerLok 1.2mm x 7cm2 each Syringe Stop Lock 10cc2..
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