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FUE Serrated Punch 0.8mm 4mmMedicta Instruments Provioded Finest quality of FUE Punch, Made of 304 AISI Grade Stainless Steel...
Buy Gerbault Retractor with Suction and Fiber OpticGerbault Suction Retractor / Aufricht Nasal Suction Retractor is essential tools for ultrasonic rhinoplasty. This is the Modified version of Gerbault Retractor it comes with suction and fiber optic, Please Note: All the Plas..
Gillies Forceps are thumb forceps often used in small surgical sites to grasp tissue. They have fine, narrow jaws that are commonly used in plastic surgery...
Kerrison Laminectomy Punch 18cm/7" 5mm 90˚UPWARD JAWMedicta Instruments Provides Best quality of KERRISON Bone Punches.Laminectomy Punch Thin Footplate Kerrison Punch Wide Opening Kerrison Punch Titanium Dismantable Punch Curved Foramenotomy Punch Long Anterior Kerrison Punc..
Laryngoscope Handle Fiber Standard  SmallMedicta Instruments Provides complete range of Laryngoscopes - Otoscopes - Opthalmoscopes - ENT SETS.Macintosh Laryngoscopes Fiber opticMacintosh Laryngoscopes Standard / ConventionalMiller Laryngoscopes Fiber opticMacintosh Laryngosc..
Showing 373 to 384 of 4296 (358 Pages)