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Maxillofacial Instruments

Buy Maxillofacial Instruments

Medicta Instruments is Manufacturer and Exporter of all surgical instruments. Medicta Instruments Provides complete range of ENT Surgical instruments.

    Maxillofacial Instruments Include:

    1. Bone Contouring Forceps
    2. Cheek Retractor
    3. Chest Support
    4. Extra Oral Retractors
    5. Intra Oral Retractors
    6. Lip & Cheek Vestibulum Retractors
    7. Mandibular Retractors
    8. Mouthgags
    9. Multi Purpose Retractors
    10. Osteotomes
    11. Periosteal Elevators
    12. Ramus Retractors
    13. Soft Tissue Retractors
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