Tissue forceps are used in surgical procedures for grasping tissue. Often, the tips have "teeth" to securely hold a tissue. Typically tissue forceps are designed to minimize damage to biological tissue.
Medicta Instruments is A Surgical Instruments manufacturer company in Sialkot.
Medicta Instruments offer the broadest selection of Plastic Surgery Instruments used in Plastic surgical procedures.
MEDICTA INSTRUMENTS has become an internationally recognized exporter and manufacturer of surgical instruments, Plastic Surgery instruments, Liposuction cannulas, and Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) Instruments. Medicta Instruments is Surgical manufacturer company in Sialkot.
Medicta Instruments Provides complete range of Plastic surgery Instruments Online for easy purchase with few steps. At Medicta Instruments Online Plastic Surgery Store we provide below instruments for surgeries which covers all procedures of Plastic surgery like Breast Augmentation Instruments, Breast Surgery Instruments, Breast Reduction Instruments, Facelift Surgery Instruments, Hair transplantation instruments, Rhinoplasty Instruments, Lip augmentation Instruments, Liposuction cannulas, Liposuction Instruments, Tummy Tuck instruments and cosmetic plastic surgery instruments.
Medicta Instruments Plastic surgery instruments category covers below categories:
SURGICAL SCALPEL HANDLES: Scalpel handle is used for cutting gingival tissue and making surgical incisions. Medicta Instruments is Providing Good Quality of Surgical Scalpel Handlessuch as Scalpel Handle No. 3, Scalpel Handle No. 4, Scalpel Handle No. 3R, Scalpel Handle No. 3RG, Scalpel Handle No. 7, Scalpel Handel No.7k
BREAST Areola MARKER & CALIPERS: At Medicta Instruments Online Plastic Surgery Store we are Providing Good Quality Of Plastic surgery Instruments, Breast Surgery Instruments, Breast Augmentation instruments Including breast markers, Areola Markers & Calipers such as Breast Nipple Markers, Freeman Areola MarkersSingle End, Freeman Areola Marker Double Ended, Blunt Areola Markers, Grossman Areola Markers, Mckissock Key hole Marker, Measuring Caliper, Castrovijo Calipers, Precise Calipers.
DERMATOMES / SKIN GRAFT KNIVES: At Medicta Instruments Online Plastic Surgery Store we are Providing all types of Plastic surgery Instruments, Surgical Instruments, skin grafting instruments. A Skin Graft Dermatome is a surgical instrument used to produce thin slices of skin from a donor area, Medicta Instruments Online Plastic Surgery Store is Providing all types of Surgical Dermatomes/ Dermatomes knifes, Such as: Humby Skin graft Knife or Humby Dermatome, Watson Skin Graft Knife or Watson Dermatome, Silver Skin Graft Knife or Silver Dermatome, Schink Fixing Plate, Schink Dermatome and Skin Graft Disposable Blades.
Plastic Surgery Scissors: At Medicta Instruments Online Plastic Surgery Store we are Providing all types of Plastic surgery Instruments, Surgical Instruments, Plastic surgery scissors, Plastic surgery scissors are made with high quality German stainless steel for perfect cutting and dissections. We are providing 4 various types of scissors such as Standard scissors for regular cutting, TC Scissorsfor tough cutting, Supercut Scissors Serrated blades scissors for precision and sharp cutting and combination of Supercut Plus Tc Scissors which adds more quality and power to scissors.
Black handled rings indicate SuperCut scissors.
At Medicta Instruments Online Plastic Surgery Store You can recognize the construction style of scissors based on the following color code:
- Silver handle Surgical Scissors Indicates Standard Surgical Scissors
- Gold handles indicate that the scissors have Tungsten Carbide (TC) inserts. Tc Scissors
- Black handle Plastic surgery scissors indicates Supercut scissors
- One gold handle and one black handle indicates that the Plastic Surgery scissors are SuperCut Scissor and have Tungsten Carbide inserts. Supercut plus TC Scissors
- Black instruments are typically titanium. Black Coated Scissors
Medicta Instruments Online Plastic Surgery Store offers All Plastic surgery Scissors, Surgical Scissors, Rhinoplasty Scissors such as:
- Operating Scissors Standard Sharp Blunt, TC Operating Scissors Sharp Blunt, Supercut Operating Scissors Sharp Blunt, Supercut Plus TC Operating Scissors Sharp Blunt
- Operating Scissors Standard Sharp Sharp, TC Operating Scissors Sharp Sharp, Supercut Operating Scissors Sharp Sharp, Supercut Plus TC Operating Scissors Sharp Sarp
- Operating Scissors Standard Blunt Blunt, TC Operating Scissors Blunt Blunt, Supercut Operating Scissors Blunt Blunt, Supercut Plus TC Operating Scissors Blunt Blunt
- Mayo Dissecting Scissors Standard, TC Mayo Dissecting Scissors, Mayo Dissecting Scissors Supercut, Mayo Dissecting Scissors supercut Plus TC
- Mayo Stille Dissecting Scissors Standard, TC Mayo Stille Dissecting Scissors, Mayo Stille Dissecting Scissors Supercut, Mayo Stille Dissecting Scissors Supercut Plus TC
- Mayo-Lexer Scissors Standard, Tc Mayo-Lexer Scissors, Mayo-Lexer Scissors Supercut, Mayo-Lexer Scissors Supercut Plus TC
- Iris Scissors standard, Tc Iris Scissors, Iris Scissors Supercut, Iris Scissors Supercut Plus TC, Surgical Iris Scissors standard, surgical Tc Iris Scissors, Surgical Iris Scissors Supercut, Surgical Iris Scissors Supercut Plus TC,
- Metzenbaum Dissecting Scissors Standard, TC Metzenbaum Dissecting Scissors, Metzenbaum Dissecting Scissors Supercut, Metzenbaum Dissecting Scissors Supercut Plus TC, Surgical Metzenbaum Scissors Standard, Surgical Metzenbaum Scissors Tc, Surgical Metzenbaum Scissors Supercut, Surgical Metzenbaum Scissors Supercut Plus TC.
- Metzenbaum-Nelson Scissors Standard, Tc Metzenbaum-Nelson Scissors, Metzenbaum-Nelson Scissors Supercut, Metzenbaum-Nelson Scissors Supercut Plus TC.
- Reynolds Dissecting Scissor Standard, Reynolds Dissecting Scissor Tc, Reynolds Dissecting Scissor Supercut, Reynolds Dissecting Scissor Standard Supercut Plus TC.
- Joseph Dissecting Scissors,
- Peck-Jospeh Scissors,
- Kelly Dissecting Scissor
- Stevens Tenotomy Scissors,
- Steven Ribbon Handle Scissors
- Brophy Sullivan Scissors
- Strabisums Dissecting Scissors
- Ragnel Kilner Scissors
- Gorney Facelift Scissors
- Gorney Platysma Facelift Scissors
- Aufricht Nasal Scissors
- Kahn Dissecting Scissors
- Goldman Fox Scissors
- TC Wilmer Converse Scissors, Angled 10cm
- Castanares Scissors
- Cottle Dorsal Scissors Angled, TC (Rngsten carbide) 6"
- Knight Nasal Scissors
- Fomon Scissors
- Thorek-Feldman Gall Bladder Scissors
- Hartman Mosquito Forceps
- Micro Mosquito Forceps
- Halsted Mosquito Forceps
- Crile Hemostatic Forceps
- Allis Tissue Forceps - Intestinal Forceps
- Babcock Tissue Forceps - Grasping Forceps
- Backhaus Towel Forceps - Towel Clamps
- Baby Mixter Forceps
- Kelly Hemostatic Forceps Straight 5.5" 14cm
Medicta Instruments Online Plastic Surgery Store offers All Facelift Instruments, FACE LIFT FORCEPS such as:
- D'Assumpcao Face Lift Marker, 6 1/4" (16 cm)
- Pitanguy Flap Dermacator / Flap Grasping Forceps
- Marten Flap Stainless Steel Marker w/o Ratchet 14.5cm
- Pitanguy Flap Grasping Forceps (14cm)
Medicta Instruments Online Plastic Surgery Store offers All Needle Holders, Plastic Surgery Needle Holders, Surgical Needle Holders such as:
- Derf Needle Holders Serrated with Groove 12cm
- TC Derf Needle Holders Cross-Serrated Tungsten Carbide 12cm
- Halsey Needle Holders, Cross-Serrated 12cm
- TC Halsey Needle Holders Serrated Tungsten Carbide 12cm
- Baumgartner Needle Holders Serrated 14cm
- TC Crile Wood Needle Holders - Standard Crile Wood Needle Holders
- TC Baumgartner Needle Holders - Baumgartner Needle Holders TC
- TC Mayo Hegar Needle Holders - Standard Mayo Hegar Needle Holders
- TC Gillies Needle Holders - Standard Gillies Needle Holders
- Webster Needle Holders 13cm
- TC Olsen Hegar Needle Holders - Standard Olsen Hegar Needle Holders
- TC Webster Needle Holders
- Crile-Wood Needle Holders 15cm, Cross-Serrated with Groove
- TC Vital Microvascular Needle Holders
- Crile-Wood Needle Holders 18cm, Cross-Serrated with Groove
- TC Ryder Micro Needle Holders
- Crile-Wood Needle Holders 20cm - Cross-Serrated with Groove
- Crile-Wood Needle Holders 22cm, Cross-Serrated with Groove
- TC Sarot Needle Holders - Standard Sarot Needle Holder
- TC Mathieu Needle Holders - Standard Mathieu Needle Holders
Medicta Instruments Online Plastic Surgery Store offers All SURGICAL TISSUE AND DISSECTING FORCEPS such as:
- Plastic Surgery CHISELS & OSTEOTOMES
- Rhinoplasty Septum & Periosteal Elevators
- Rhinoplasty Knives, Plastic Surgery Knives
- Nasal Speculums And Rhinoplasty Saws
- Rhinoplasty Raspatories
- Abdominal & Breast Retractors
- Plastic Surgery Retractors / Breast Surgery Retractors
- Breast Dissectors
- Forehead Lift Dissectors
- Surgical Bone Mallets, Plastic Surgery Mallets
- Cartilage Crushers, Bone crushers
- Septum Forceps, Nasal Septum Forceps,
- Gonzalez Gluteal Instruments